I don't mean to hurt anyone, although it is possible that people may feel 

I apologize in advance for any hurt I may cause as I post opinions. 

What I write below are OPINIONS. Not research findings.

Using Google it is easy to find references that point to the failure of 
Sociology in India. One paper spoke of sociology in India being a "tired" 
specialty. Another spoke of failure to address really big issues.

My life revolves around talking to people and hearing their innermost secrets 
and I am faced with a whole lot of questions. Sometimes, answers to those 
questions seem come by chance when I am reading Western literature. At other 
times people make serendipitous observations that seem to have truth in them

I tend to think that India has a very narrow base of scholarship. In the last 
60 years the entire country has rushed headlong into technical education and 
the humanities have been badly neglected. Day to day issues affecting Indian 
society are not addressed at all by the miniscule body of Indian 
sociologists.  Some questions have no answers except the chance observations 
by Western sociologists studying India and Indians. Neither the government 
nor corporate bodies come forward as far as I can tell to fund research in 
departments of sociology, and I suspect that the little sociology there is in 
India is funded by meager grants from some NGO or the other.  I don't really 
know for sure.

I believe that sociology in India is "massive work waiting to be done". None 
of the major issues that crop up have been addressed at all even though they 
stare you in the face or hit you between the eyes.

I saw one reference that said that India had 15,000 sociologists, but only 
1700 had registered with the association, and the number of papers being 
published was far fewer than that from a Finland. The blame for that is laid 
on the forced need for English and th lack of English competence among Indian 
sociologits, with no mechanism for them to write in their mother tongues.

Is sociology neglected or not in India? 

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