On Thursday 13 Dec 2007 5:32 pm, Carol Upadhya wrote:
> Blaming the IT industry, IT professionals or even BPO employees for
> Bangalore's conspicuous urban problems – the rising real estate prices,
> chaotic traffic, the increasing social divide, and allegedly high crime
> rate – misses their real causes.

Very *very* interesting take Carol. It seems to complement what I felt and 
indicates a very naive and child-like thought process that is accepted as the 
norm by a major Indian newpaper, and will presumably percolate down to 
several thousand readers.

"Crime is because some people are getting too rich, and tempting the poor who 
are only waiting to be tempted by crime"

How elegant and simple. Who can disprove this timeless logic?

In fact India lives in myths and cliches, simple nonsense-logic explanations 
(I see this in medicine too) with no thought being  given to the idea of 
science and explanations that could exist outside comfortable logic. 

This fits in too with a quote from Camus by Naipaul that I posted in an 
earlier message. This is what Camus said about Hindus and Incas:

"'The problem of rebellion has no meaning except within our Western 
society..... What is at stake is humanity's gradually increasing self 
awareness as it pursues its course. In fact, for the Inca and the Hindu 
parish the problem never arises because for them it had been solved by a 
tradition, even before they had had time to raise it - the answer being that 
their tradition is sacred. If in a world, things are held sacred, the problem 
of rebelion does not arise, it is because no real problems are to be found in 
such a world, all the answers having been given simultaneously."


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