On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 11:23:07AM +0000, Cory Doctorow wrote:
> Hey Silklisters! I'm working on a new novel that includes some action 
> set among young gold farmers working in a special economic zone in 
> India. At this stage, I haven't made up my mind as to where this should 
> be, which is why I'm soliciting your advice.
> I want a location that is:
> * Rapidly "westernizing"
Pune? Pune is the cultural capital of Maharashtra, and a small
industrial city. It has had the benefit of being close to Mumbai, and
hence is fairly well developed.

> * Controlled by local special economic zone regs that are hard on labour 
> unions and soft on environmental controls
Pen (Raigad district)? Pune? The Pen SEZ would be pretty destructive to
the environment, Pune much less so. Pune also has an upcoming SEZ being
developed by local farmers (instead of the government getting involved
in taking over the land).

> * Diverse in terms of the backgrounds, languages, and faiths of the 
> resident/workers

Either of these should do.

Devdas Bhagat

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