On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 7:45 PM, Rishab Aiyer Ghosh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  haha mea culpa. so let me modify the thread, then: what are the sort of
>  books you re-read?

At one time I was a one-book-a-day person, but I find that with a
wife, son, job and a commute competing for my attention I find that
that I have little time to read, let alone re-read.

In the old days, I would re-read almost anything -- it was only the
stuff that I really disliked that I wouldn't re-read. Nowadays, a book
has to be really good keep my attention -- and sometimes not even
then. :-(

But things I'll happily re-read even now:

- Guns, Germs and Steel -- Jared Diamond (if a certain someone returns it)
- A short history of nearly Everything -- Bill Bryson
- Anything by Dick Francis
- anything by Terry Pratchett

-- b

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