On 4/15/08, va <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/15/08, Suresh Ramasubramanian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There's a guy from Janastu on silk ..  TB Dinesh (cc'd)
> Erm... Tea Beedi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said she(he?) was Kavita (whom
> I met at foss in Dec07) on the Linuxchix-India mailing lists. /me is
> wondering, so would the real Kavita (er...Dinesh) please stand up.

After getting Suresh's mail (told him am writing to the list) I
checked the archives of Silk where one thread says the person's real
name is Dinesh BUT the description (glasses, ponytail) matches that of
a person who called himself "Prashant" *1 (at the Linuxchix-India BoF)
and kept trolling and disrupting the BoF while insisting on addressing
the women present there as 'chicks' and insisted on knowing what we
(women) would do if men pretended to be women on the LC lists. The
next day this same individual (am unsure how to address
Prashant/another-alias ?) was seen trolling Danese Cooper during the
Q&A session of her talk.

Kavita (another woman, who was also at the LCIN BoF and is presently
in USA according to her mail to the LCIN mailing-list) meanwhile used
a different mail id when she sent a mail to Runa (Sankarsan's wife)
and me. So could the real Kavita or is it Dinesh/Prashant(?) please
come forward.

*1 - that is how he introduced himself when I asked him his name at the BoF.

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