On 20-Apr-08, at 9:34 AM, Deepa Mohan wrote:
Also, I think that keeping casual visitors out is not logical..the
casual visitor of today might be the committed contributor of
tomorrow. Since the whole Barcamp premise is based on freewheeling,
impromptu discussions and presentations as well as scheduled ones,
trying to exclude casual visitor is, to my mind, contradictory.

I do not know to what extent Jace is involved with Barcamp now...but
if you are, Jace...that's feedback I want to give you.

I pondered on whether to take this offlist and email only Mayank and
Jace...but decided to let this stand.  But the next Barcamp, no matter
who says what..I am going! :)

There's no easy way to deal with this.

BCB1 explicitly stated "no spectators, only participants", and missed out a lot of people with interesting opinions. BCB3 dropped that line and saw a flood come in. BCB6 is attempting to calibrate that dial again.

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