On Friday 02 May 2008 11:34:46 am Aadisht Khanna wrote:
> . Rather than give five thousand
>    rupees a month away now, I could invest it, get a return,  and give
> larger lump sums later. Which in your opinion would make more sense?
>    5. Point #4 also ties up with how much a particular donation should
>    be. Are large lump sump donations better or worse than regular monthly
>    donations? There would be transaction costs and processing costs
> involved, but how important are these?

Like others said - a lot depends on what you want to do.

If you are looking for a tax write off, then monthly donations to a suitable 
charity with receipt etc are useful.

Saving up 5000 a month does not amount to much after 1 year - but after 5 
years a sum of 3 lakhs plus could do something like put a child through 
college, or build an extra room or other facility for a school.

My personal choice is to let money slip out to people (usual casual workers)  
who depend on me for some of their income in the first place. Pay for a 
cellphone here, a school entrance fee grant there, medical expenses somewhere 
else. That gives me the freedom to give as much as I think I can afford at a 
given time without tying me down to a fixed figure.


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