On Sunday 18 May 2008 1:26:50 am Rishab Aiyer Ghosh wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 15:14 -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> > > 4. The future markets based in US & Europe (controlled
> > > by Rich Jews) is deliberately playing the markets to
> >
> > I was unaware that bigotry was considered "reasonable discourse" on
> > this mailing list.
> the post was citing the saudi press. "controlled by Rich Jews" is
> perhaps a common phrase there.

Hah! I missed that sentence - but no excuses - I didn't read it properly 
<slaps self on wrist>

Perry's question IMO is not unreasonable, but it shows up bigotry that we live 
with in international relations pretending that "normal discourse" is 
occurring, ignoring the bigotry that is mocking us and hitting us in our 

This quotation about rich Jews is only a whiff of that. I am referring of 
course to the state of Saudi Arabia and guidelines that are written in black 
and white in the Koran.

In "reasonable discourse" the words I have written above are usually called 
Islamophobia. But the Koran itself specifically singles out Jews for 
punishment - basically for being Jewish. To ask a rhetorical question, does 
bigotry become bigotry only if it does not have sanction in some holy book or 

To be perfectly honest - I discussed the views I have posted above with my 
brother, who is currently visiting because of a bereavement in the family. He 
pointed out to me that some things have a cultural connotation that is "more 
serious" in some countries. A specific example he made was the 
word "Gollywog" - which to many Indians only connotes a black doll in a 
series of children's books by Enid Blyton and does not carry the same meaning 
that it would carry in the West. However - anyone who understands that 
Gollywog is offensive will be able to stop using it without claiming that it 
is in his sacred text, so there's a difference. IMVHO of course.


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