On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Udhay Shankar N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, but that's begging the question I raised, which is, for reference, "Do
> we actually *want* Kashmir?"

Necessary evil...

What do we want as India's future? I am fine with a dissolution into
tiny nation states with economic co-operation ala the EU; however it's
not very practical given the current state of political chaos and
illiteracy. Plus it goes against the national rhetoric of unity in

Besides, I fear that the subcontinent is very much of the "give an
inch and take a mile" mindset. Giving up J&K can embolden PK to
aggressively stake claims on other parts of India. For example, the
MIM still harbors an Islamic future for HYD, outside of the Indian
union. J&K is just an excuse for PK to get even with India for the
East PK secession, the partition and so on.

Giving up J&K is IMO very bad for the rest of India. For one, the
right wing Hindu parties will never forgive this decision. The
rhetoric from across the border will predictably only increase - about
Gujarat, about Hyderabad, about Deoband. It could lead to fervent
campaigns from the nut cases in Hindutva, leading to a national split,
with some very sad results - could begin to look like another
partition with widespread massacre.

Talk of giving up J&K is just intellectual wanking. There is no
walking away from this stale mate.


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