Aditya Kapil wrote:

I'm not sure this applies to even gourmet cooking... whereas two chefs from
different parts of Spain may have distinct renditions of paella, I'm not
sure that EACH chef's dish would taste very different on two occasions. Or
would it? I am willing to be educated here...

You summoned me? :)

In the restaurant business, consistency is the key, as Charles has pointed out. In most places, dish X has to taste the same from day to day, even when made by different cooks.

If *I* am cooking something special for a guest, I might introduce some stylistic variation depending on my mood, or to play around, but I only do that to people I know, or will appreciate a change from the norm. Otherwise, consistency is more important. I don't let anyone else in my kitchen vary anything without asking me first.

Lots of dishes have regional variations or even personal variations. Your mother's dal/sambar will probably taste a bit different from my mother's, and it's silly to insist on a one true version. I pick my own favourite version of well-known dishes, and might even mix and match from two different things. The idea is to stay true to the *spirit* of the dish.

And now, off to work I go, where I've infused Chinese five-spice powder in some rum, with very pleasing results. :)


<<<   *   >>>
Madhu Menon
Shiok Far-eastern Cuisine
Moss Cocktail Lounge
96, Amar Jyoti Layout, Inner Ring Road, Bangalore
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