On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Amit Varma <amitbl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Silklister Amit Varma is touring [1] in support of his new book, and
>> will be in Bangalore to do an event in Crossword on May 16, which
>> conveniently happens to be a Saturday evening. Anyone up for a drink
>> with Amit, myself, and whoever else turns up on that evening,
>> somewhere in the vicinity?
> Thanks Udhay! I'm looking forward to meeting Silklisters, it's my first trip
> to Bangalore after joining Silk.

Couple of quick notes:

* Just to confirm, since there are multiple Crossword stores in
Bangalore: this event is at the one on Residency Road, according to
the obligatory facebook event page [1].

* May 16th is the day that the official Election vote tally takes
place, so it may (not sure yet) be a dry day. In which case we need
some alternate suggestion for where to congregate after the event at
Crossword. Ideas, anyone?


[1] http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=78894968725&ref=ts
((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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