On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Kiran Jonnalagadda <j...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Incidentally, something I didn't grow up with and therefore encountered
> with
> surprise in the homes of relatives: it is a great offense to serve rice
> before any other item. Serving rice first apparently implies you're too
> poor
> to eat anything else.
> Is this common practice elsewhere?

I found this major difference between serving of food in Iyer and Iyengar
(two different kinds of Tamizh Brahmins): in Iyer households and feasts, the
rice is served after several items have been served and before the sambar,
rasam, and thayir (yogurt)...in Iyengar households, the rice is always
served first. I have heard my aunts (Iyers) laughing about it and saying
"these Iyengars are crazy" or the equivalent!

 In today's buffet/serve yourself  world, of course, it's all irrelevant.


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