On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:57 AM, ss <cybers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> People still remove their footwear before entering a house in India.

Not everybody, I know of traditional families who were very strict about it,
one trip to the USA and they are walking with shoes/sandals all over the
In our home, its a strict NO-NO, even for kids (who sometimes do).

> At a recent meeting in Bangalore on nosocomial infections, one prominent
> surgeon from St. John's said that in this day and age it is ridiculous and
> unnecessary to take off one's shoes before entering an ICU because bugs
> cannot walk up beds and tables. I was surprised at this statement from a
I am surprised too. After all these years, does he/she still has the same
opinion ?

> Maybe washing one's feet should be a requirement before
> entering Indian operating theatres.
It looks so. Have you though of implementing this rule at your workplace ?


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