On 13-Jan-2010, at 7:49 PM, Ingrid <ingrid.srin...@gmail.com> said:

It's a plausible plotline, methinks:

A young man raised to believe he is among the best and brightest in his community/country migrates to a prosperous Western country for higher education and/or employment in a field that encourages a reductionist, technocratic worldview. Once there he is neither able to find work worthy of his talents and education nor social acceptance among his peers. As he sinks deeper into self-pity he seeks refuge in a physical or virtual ethnic ghetto where he is a highly prized potential recruit to extremist groups who build on his persecution complex with evidence of the global conspiracy against his people and offer him the opportunity to deploy his skills to achieve vengeance for his own tribulations and the significance that he believes is his birthright.

Soderbergh should direct it.

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