On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Eugen Leitl <eu...@leitl.org> wrote:
> http://www.apple.com/macbook/ is too heavy?

As a cyclist, yes. A MacBook is 2.1 kg and the far more expensive 13" MBP is
2.0. Small differences in weight add up over distance, given I ride an
average 30 km a day. I wish there was a MacBook with no optical drive.

> It looks like you won't be kicking your Apple habit anytime soon.

Which is sad. It can't be that hard for anyone else to find a market for a
decently specced machine.

There are Android phones which do that, but you can't really expect
> wrestling the laws of optics, and winning.

Much as I love my Android phone, it's a piece of shit to be holding during
an emergency. Field tested.

I'll probably get a micro four-thirds (with Eye-Fi) when the high-ISO noise
problem gets better, and when I have some money again. FWIW, G1Tether
doesn't work on my rooted HTC Hero.

> If the iPad is a success (it probably will be), hopefully there will
> be more capable (but still affordable) ARM boxes from Apple. Or not.

The iPad looks like a nice machine, but I use my netbook to code. A
keyboard, trackpad, and the Ubuntu Apt repositories are indispensable.
Package management on Mac OS X is a horrible kludge, despite Homebrew now
having replaced Fink and Darwinports.

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