At 6:46 PM +0530 6/15/10, Sruthi Krishnan wrote:
> In particular, there's this
>> passage of ~15 pages in _Cryptonomicon_ that has to do with the Right
>> Way of eating chocolate cereal.
>First reaction: Shudder.
>Followed by: Tiny voice inside urges, maybe if it is well written....

Most people can't get through Stephenson, but I'd recommend starting with
_Snow Crash_, _The Diamond Age_, or _Anathem_. _Cryptonomicon_
is like candy if you happen to be up on Alan Turing and Enigma, however.
I love everything Stephenson's written except _The Year of Rice and Salt_.

I love Kim Stanley Robinson as well, and sitting next to him on the shelf,
Robin McKinley. Very different, but another author people seem to love or

Heather Madrone  (

I'd love to change the world, but they won't give me access to the source code.

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