On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 2:48 PM, Udhay Shankar N <ud...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Title: "The Trajectory of the Subaltern in My Work"
> Length: 1hr 28min 55sec

I just completed listening and occasionally watching the entire video
in the background while doing other things of course. I have the
following observations:
a) there must have been an easier way to say whatever it is she just said
b) no one wins any respect in my book unless they can explain
themselves sufficiently clearly
c) being an abusive person hyper-critical of others isn't nice

Ergo I expect to see a lot of shit flying around on the Internet
criticizing this lady (who inexplicably hangs onto the last name of a
man from many marriages back), but there isn't? All the heuristics
(and I can only proceed on heuristics because I understood little of
the talk itself) point me to ignore this person, but Wikipedia and a
story in the NYT and many blogs mostly with other Bengalis (!) are
gushing over her.

So I'm curious.


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