On 05-Jan-2011, at 11:10 AM, Biju Chacko wrote:

> Am I the only one who finds contact lenses vaguely stomach churning?
> I've been told that my byronic good looks could be enhanced further
> with contact lenses, but the very idea of shoving something into my
> eyes horrifies me.

I've tried contact lenses twice, but both the times the shops got the 
prescription wrong and gave me lenses that were off by a fraction. The 
resultant slight blurriness was enough to make my eyes hurt by end of day.

Both times I gave up after a few months. I won't try them again -- I have a 
more active life now and am wary of anything that adds to dressing up time. I 
keep my hair short enough to not need combing, and prefer eyewear I can put on 
in a second.


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