--- On Thu, 20/1/11, Madhu Menon <c...@shiokfood.com> wrote:

From: Madhu Menon <c...@shiokfood.com>
Subject: Re: [silk] What's on your "bucket list"?
To: silklist@lists.hserus.net
Date: Thursday, 20 January, 2011, 18:47

On 20-01-2011 18:26, Deepa Mohan wrote:
>     Muhahahaahahaa!
> That's your heads-in-the-bucket Madame Defarge list, Madman!

Here, something to use as your mobile phone ring tone till I get there:

Very disappointing. More enthusiasm than evil. Why is the immediate reaction 
one of sympathetic concern, a desire to let the man race past us in a crowded 
corridor on his urgent mission to the men's room? Where is that susurrus of 
evil, that chill which runs up and down, no, not the same corridor, the spine. 
There is a distinct impression of discomfort. That is not, emphatically not 
canonical. Our received and acknowledged villain, the Sir Jaspers, are far more 
assured and leisurely in their approach to all things, mirth included. They 
know, with absolute conviction, that it is their earth, that they are the 
rulers, that all the doors are locked, the windows barred, and the minions 
spread out strategically throughout the cellar, poised to cut off any hard-hit 
ball, or perhaps the head of the executioner, struck off with his own ugly, 
that there is no escape, that there can be no escape, that even
the minions of hell await with subservient brow in the anteroom, waiting for a 
break in the torture to discuss long-term equipment hire leases and technology 
transfer MOU's.

One should like to see another, thought through attempt. The energy and 
enthusiasm are welcome; who would question these considering the very heavy 
torque involved in a turn of the traditional screw (no, not that screw, the 
rack and pinion sort is what is meant). The tempo is not.

Ah, tempo! As great artists from Casanova to Tamerlane have known, tempo is 
everything. We need tempo, but we need the precise tempo that this situaetion 
demands. It is not the carefree, childlike, skip-stepping, lilting air of the 
Seventh Symphony. No, not at all, it is the Hall of the Mountain King, the 
tempo ladelled out with thick contempt that we seek. It is a clearly dominating 
tempo that we seek, a tempo redolent with lazy amusement at the unavailing 
flutters of the trapped victim, richly laden with contentment at the way that 
Fate drives these little morsels into one's mouth.

And what about the rich overtones of evil? The cruel anticipation of the impact 
of the rare Oriental spice on the unsuspecting palate of the gaijin? No, no, 
this won't do. Re-do it please.

Score: B-

Madhu Menon
MCorp Hospitality Consulting: http://mcorphospitality.com

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