On 21-Jan-11 3:31 AM, Indrajit Gupta wrote:

> Very disappointing. More enthusiasm than evil. Why is the immediate reaction 
> one of sympathetic concern, a desire to let the man race past us in a crowded 
> corridor on his urgent mission to the men's room? Where is that susurrus of 
> evil, that chill which runs up and down, no, not the same corridor, the 
> spine. There is a distinct impression of discomfort. That is not, 
> emphatically not canonical. Our received and acknowledged villain, the Sir 
> Jaspers, are far more assured and leisurely in their approach to all things, 
> mirth included. They know, with absolute conviction, that it is their earth, 
> that they are the rulers, that all the doors are locked, the windows barred, 
> and the minions spread out strategically throughout the cellar, poised to cut 
> off any hard-hit ball, or perhaps the head of the executioner, struck off 
> with his own ugly, that there is no escape, that there can be no escape, that 
> even
> the minions of hell await with subservient brow in the anteroom, waiting for 
> a break in the torture to discuss long-term equipment hire leases and 
> technology transfer MOU's.

For some reason, reading IG's message reminded me of the below quote:

"We've all heard the "herding cats" analogy with regard to managing
programmers. Managing sysadmins is like leading a neighborhood gang of
neurotic pumas on jet-powered hoverbikes with nasty smack habits and
opposable thumbs. Oh, and as a manager you're a neurotic junkie puma
too, only they cut your thumbs off and whereas all the other pumas get
to drive around on their badass hoverbikes and fire chainguns at the
marketing department, YOU have to drive a maroon AMC Gremlin behind them
and hand out Band-Aids and smile a lot, when all you're REALLY thinking
about is how to get one of them to let you borrow his hoverbike for a
few minutes so you can show those fools how it's DONE. This is because
managers are usually people who proved that they were handy with a
chaingun and were thus rewarded by having their thumbs cut off and their
weapons handed to some punk college hire."

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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