Cheeni suffers a bit from the "india sucks because of the mediocrity, indian 
crab syndrome etc", hits most guys after a few years working abroad

------Original Message------
From: divya manian
Cc: Suresh Ramasubramanian
Cc: Srini RamaKrishnan
Subject: Re: [silk] A crisis of confidence
Sent: Mar 30, 2011 21:43

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 1:50 AM, Suresh Ramasubramanian
<> wrote:
> And the dividing line between "self help" rubbish and sensible management 
> books is rather thin.  Some of them are definitely not bite size platitudes

Or non-existent? I think Cheeni wants us all to believe we have a
crisis in India which is staggeringly disappointing to anyone who
claims to be from India :))) People in India suffer from the same
crises of confidence that plague the Americans or the English - give
or take a few cultural biases. Yes, India is not "developed" but that
is not really because Indians "lack confidence" but just the right
elements for development has not come together yet (things are
happening, so some serendipity might favour India soon). And to put
the development of the White World as the work of "confident" white
people is to devalue the right potent circumstances that helped bring
it about.

srs (blackberry)

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