On 13 December 2011 02:09, Srini RamaKrishnan <che...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would consider the circular logic of "we only serve what the paying
> customer wants" grievously mistaken on many counts.
> Other major users of this fig leaf are the massively profitable and
> demonstrably evil tobacco companies and fast food restaurant chains of
> the world.
> This attitude is clearly harmful to society.

I'm a little confused.  If the logic of giving people what they want
to pay for is "grievously mistaken", I guess you are suggesting people
should instead be given what they "need" (and I will not, at the
moment, split hairs about who gets to define what this need is).  So,
how is this going to be achieved?  By -uh- censoring the ToI's of the

Venky (the Second).

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