On 14-Dec-11 1:04 AM, Kiran K Karthikeyan wrote:

>     Swinging opinions is a crime?
> Not a crime, but against the professional code, especially when you
> misrepresent and intentionally omit facts. 


I can see that my tone of disbelief didn't come through.

In conjunction with words like 'misrepresent' and 'intentionally', when
you talk about the need for a third party to a) determine; and b)
enforce, a code, you are implying a burden of proof. Have you thought
this fine scheme out that far?

>     > Professional ethics should be enforced somewhere, or we wait till a
>     > country of more than a billion wisen up and stop drinking the kool
>     aid.
>     Enforced by? And they in turn?
> I don't know Udhay. The buck has to stop somewhere. Or do you think
> something else will work in a country where the information asymmetry
> (heck, even access to information) is probably much greater than the
> economic disparity?

The problem I have with this is when you are attempting to use a pickaxe
to perform surgery.

> And thank you Salil for comparing it to Lokpal. Reductio ad Hazareum?

There are more absurdities here, Horatio...

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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