On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 12:07 PM, John R. Sundman <j...@wetmachine.com>wrote:

>>> Tracy Kidder's book "Soul of a New Machine"
>  Added the book to my reading list. What kind is it?
> Soul of a New Machine is a non-fiction book about a team of hardware
> engineers working for Data General Corporation 1978-80 who design a
> computer under enormous time pressure in order to save their company from
> being put out of business by their main competitor, Digital Equipment
> Corporation, which had just come out with much more powerful and cheaper
> machines. The book won the Pulitzer Prize in 1982 or so, and has been in
> print continuously since, having sold millions of copies. Some people
> consider it, still, the best description of who hackers are and how they
> (we?) think. I myself think it's an excellent book.  Tracy Kidder is a
> wonderful writter who has gone on to write a dozen or so non-fiction books,
> many of them best-sellers and award-winners.
> Sounds really interesting, thanks. (And in an example of thread-drift ...)
I read Kidder's "Mountains Beyond Mountains, about Dr. Paul Farmer, and
found it fascinating.

Welcome, John -- sounds like you've had a fascinating life so far. I'm also
hoping you're a Red Sox fan.

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