On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Eugen Leitl <eu...@leitl.org> wrote:
> TV, no.

No-TV is the new atheism.

I like to watch video content, and would give an arm and a leg to
banish cheezburger kitteh videos from the interwebs, but I don't like
someone else deciding what I watch. Coke and Pepsi are plotting away
right now on ideas to make cute cats sell you things, watch out for
weaponized cute cats real-soon-now.

I like to cycle or run indoors to lectures and talks on video (not the
TED kind, many of which are sadly also selling you things, or are of
the I-am-a-breathless-idiot-trying-to-look-smart kind), and I run and
cycle outdoors and go to sleep listening to lectures on podcasts. I
like to point out as a rather ridiculous example, the once when I
nursed a massive beer enjoying the outdoors while listening to a
lecture on the 19th century temperance movement. There are many other
examples, but this thread isn't about them so, enough for now.

I can feel by brains oozing out my ears when I am subjected to any
form of advertising; and seeing as how TV is mostly advertising - both
in the actual form of commercials, and in ground softening bombing
raids such as reality TV shows and talk shows designed to weaken the
strongest of minds to be defenseless to the sell I avoid it like a bad


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