We divide the labor a bit.  I do all I can that is possible from a laptop 
(doing our taxes, paying bills ...) and some other stuff occasionally.   She 
does most of the "hard" stuff - supervising our maidservant etc

Besides our collective careers that is

srs (blackberry)

-----Original Message-----
From: "Radhika, Y." <radhik...@gmail.com>
Sender: silklist-bounces+suresh=hserus....@lists.hserus.net
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 20:09:47 
To: <silklist@lists.hserus.net>
Reply-To: silklist@lists.hserus.net
Subject: Re: [silk] Fwd: Life and Love in Bangalore

interest concept: women of leisure. in my experience i have only found men
to be leisurely.

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