On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 8:39 AM, Radhika, Y. <radhik...@gmail.com> wrote:

> interest concept: women of leisure. in my experience i have only found men
> to be leisurely.

Leisure is, in itself, quite a concept to muse on! Leisure, I think, is the
gap that one can either voluntarily take, or that involuntarily happens, in
between things that have to be done.  Leisure is the time in which I can do
what I want to do...or not do anything. Our hobbies are the most enjoyable
way we use our leisure. It's only in this "free time" that we can actually
"stop and stare" if we wish to. I find, however, that most of us always
fill leisure, too, with activity. My sambandhi (child's spouse's parents
are "sambandhi" or "those who have a tie") used a perceptive phrase...he
said, we are not human beings but human doings. We can rarely just be.

I would  also make the distinction between people who can make some leisure
time voluntarily, and those who cannot. A woman in charge of a household
can make the time for her ladies' club meeting; a woman being sent to
another city for work has to cancel the leave she has applied for. It was
so common for the "women and children" to go for the summer holiday for
four or more weeks, and the "man of the house" to join them for a much
briefer period.

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