A long time ago, I was roped into organising a picnic in my workplace.
There was this guy who told me in all seriousness - We are going to be
in the global top 10 soon. So the picnic should be professional and
must include things which he had learnt at a recent manager
conference. He wanted to rephrase the invite email and I was taught
that the idea of being 'professional' was to include lots more nouns.
Instead of saying, let us know if you'll come or not, he wanted to
write 'Please revert with the notification of your acceptance'. He
wanted to add rules (with lots of nouns, of course) on how people
should reach the place and when and what they should bring etc. And he
wanted to buy gifts that were official and fun. I don't remember his
name. All I can recall is that he had a PhD and signed his emails with
a Dr.

But this was just the beginning of me being the creator of nouns.
Every time we wrote a proposal, my job was to spot possibilities and
add the nouns - 'the prime functionality of the test bed is
identification of all possible bugs'. Folks liked longer sentences. It
was all quite professional.


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