On 10-Jan-2013, at 23:07, Indrajit Gupta <bonoba...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

> Ah! With this, the mystery thins. Our resident linguist has been reading 
> Perez-Reverte in Spanish: just the sneaky sort of thing she would do. 
> Unfortunately, I have been reading the English translations, and there are 
> several remaining untranslated.
> bonobashi

Amazon has the lot .. Spanish, English, whatever in kindle format. And kindle 
readers are available free for the PC, Mac, iPad, android etc. so what I don't 
have in paperback (and landmarkonthenet.com has some) i have in kindle format.

Back to the movie, I wish they didn't pack that many books into it.  It opens 
with a superbly shot night raid wading through water, which is actually the 
beginning of 'the sun over Breda' but is changed to be the same battle where 
inigo's father is killed and where he saves the life of the count of 

Then it goes through events from captain alatriste, the hills over Breda, the 
king's gold, the cavalier in the yellow doublet .. But doesn't pay as much 
attention to malatesta's character, even removing the leitmotiv he uses in the 
books (that snatch of opera he always whistles).  Hen goes into the future a 
bit (quevedo arrested for scurrilious verses against the king and sent to the 
San Marcos prison, the one for royal traitors that malatesta is originally sent 
to in the books, whereas here the assassination plot against the king is 
removed, inigo kills him in a duel .. and finally the tercio decimated at 
rocroi, with the camera freezing on Alatriste as he makes a last suicidal stand 
against oncoming cavalry.

If hey had just stopped at the king's assassination plot and added the rocroi 
scenes as a footnote, and developed the fray Emilio bocanegra character 
(creepily, superbly played by a woman in this movie) it would have been far 
better.  Bocanegra fades out of the picture after releasing Alatriste and then 
sending malatesta after him early on in the movie, after the aborted 
assassination of the prince of wales and duke of buckingham.

 And instead of Anjelica de Alquezar finally killed by Inigo, she is shown as 
actually loving him but preferring to marry Guadalmedina for his money and 
title, and Alatriste pleads with her to get inigo off the galley he has been 
sentenced to for spying for France (which of the books is that in?  I don't 
remember any such story, though there is one in the yellow doublet book i 
think, where bocanegra almost succeeds in condemning inigo to the galleys, only 
prevented by quevedo going to Luis de Alquezar's hometown and bringing back his 
birth certificate which shows Jewish ancestry, and blackmailing him with it)

--srs (iPad)

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