On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 9:05 PM, Thaths <tha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I began to wonder if hipster life hacking was different from self-help.
> Maybe the difference between the two is socio-economic?

Are you saying being socio-economically backward might help in
preventing the development of a large ego? An ego that doesn't refuse
help when offered at cut rate prices?

I think confidence stemming from a good education, early success, good
looks or brains comes with the following baggage:
a) I am perfect as I am, no self help guru is going to help me improve
b) My self image would be hurt if a self help book could teach me
something, my success is all my own
c) The trash that the commoners read couldn't possibly be also
applicable to me, I'll need something written to my level of elegance
d) I'm supposed to know all this, so I'll assume I do

Everyone reaches out for help in self development at some point in
their lives. It can be via expensive therapists, religion, a soul
mate, friends, mentors, hobbies, adventures or self help books. The
age at which they reach for help usually depends on their lack of
failure until then.

Privileged kids don't usually face serious hardship that shatters
their confidence until their start-up fails, their marriage tanks or
their addictive habits get the better of them. That's when their
ability to persist gets truly tested. When you are closer to the bread
line this test comes very early and self help books are affordable and
accessible. Self help books are are written to help and not to win the
Pulitzer. I think they rather deliberately don't use big words or
scary terms - it would go against the idea of extending genuine help.
Plus, the advice is still as good if it comes off the sidewalk hawker
in pirated print.

I am glad self help gurus and their books exist for the unwashed
masses who can't afford personal sessions with Sri Sris and SSRIs.

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