"Bayer CEO: We made medicine for people who can afford it, not Indians"

I don't think vilification serves any purpose.

On the one hand, Bayer makes life saving drugs, very good; but on the
other hand it intends to only sell it only to the rich; not so good.

Historically speaking this has been something of a pattern, not just
with Bayer but most corporations.

Bayer as IG Farben made the gas Zyklon-B used in the gas chambers of
Auschwitz. Then the world learned its lesson and Bayer instead used
the same skills to make sprays that kill bugs. Crop protection in
other words.

So has Bayer saved more people than it has killed? Is Bayer any
different from the world of profit and self interest it lives in?

Does all the technology we have today save more lives than it kills?
Interesting point of contemplation.

A look at population numbers would say yes. But then quality of life
indicators - and not just material quality, but indicators that take
into account mental illness, loneliness, depression and so on give a
very mixed reading.

We are certainly successful at keeping human beings alive; but we are
not yet successful at making them happy in my opinion.


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