On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 5:08 AM, SS <cybers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The article looks at life like a single player game. Life can be a
> single player game or a team game in which multiple players cooperate.
> In India life is defined as a multiple player game in which your life is
> played in family and society from the day you are born.

Life is NOT - never ever a single player optimization game for any
living being. This is the law of nature. However the temptation of a
selfish life befalls every creature. The stronger they are the harder
they fall for it.

The team spirit of ants was fabulously documented by Dr. E.O Wilson,
the noted naturalist. In one of his examples, the riskiest duty in an
ant hill - guarding supply lines always falls on the oldest ants. They
embrace certain death in order to be of maximum use to the family.

To be selfish cannot easily enter the conception of an ant because to
believe so offers no advantages, only downsides. They can't survive
without each other, and even then it's a tough life. Their precarious
position in the food chain never allows them to forget the dangers of
life. Even if a few stupid truants wander off from duty, they never
last long on the outside and the contagion doesn't spread.

On the other hand, larger animals like male elephants will
occasionally wander off alone, fed up with having to put up with the
nonsense of the herd. The kids are annoying, there are constant fights
between the members, food is scarce and so on. So they succumb to
temptation because they can. Nevertheless, this is only initially fun
- it soon becomes a miserable existence. They finally return to the
herd when they grow calmer and more accepting of the
interconnectedness of their life with the rest of the herd for good
and bad.

Humans are different in that they never seem to learn, they go through
cycles of this madness.

The modern world clings to an illusion of freedom afforded by
temporary surplus riches. Yet this is mass disillusionment where the
price for the pursuit of freedom is a lot of traps. Financial traps,
loneliness traps, incompatibility traps.

Divorce rates are highest in the developed world -

If you possess a burning desire to be free, how can you stay married?

Life becomes a debt trap of college loans, mortgage and pension funds.
All of these were more or less provided for by the ancient family -
where the parents taught the children their skills, and housing and
old age care was almost always taken for granted. But that doesn't
mean the old days were perfect, it never has been. You had no choice
of profession, or housing or quality of care.

Now, the modern nuclear household people too have no choice but to
abandon some new found freedoms and band together, to create the
socialist nanny state. A state created in the image of the spurned
joint family and village.

If you belong in the nanny state you obviously can't do as you please.
The violent debate in America since the civil war is merely this. The
desire to enjoy the fruits of the nanny state and none of its costs.
Yet, lawlessness, slaves, no taxation, and soon guns - one by one the
freedoms fall because the alternative is unbearable. The land of the
not-so-free then.

The nanny state where it has evolved without as much trouble in places
like Singapore, Scandinavia, Japan and S. Korea soon offers not only
free education, healthcare, housing and retirement care but also child
care services, emotional support through social workers, and even
plays matchmaker by offering financial rewards to tie the knot. Yet
loneliness plagues their citizens because the nanny state lacks the
human contact of a family. So they nanny state still has a few
evolutions left to complete its cloning of the joint family.

Even though nanny state citizens have mostly become obedient servants
of the carrot and stick it rankles in their heart that they have gone
no further in net freedom. So this too will only last a while before
another evolutionary cycle is prompted by frustration.

Humans are experts at deluding themselves. At each stage in our
evolution from stone age to the plastic age social order has changed
to accommodate the insatiable need for freedom. However the desire for
selfish freedom is a bottomless pit that can never be filled. Every
new stage of freedom has spawned dissatisfaction and a new complaint.

To desire selfish freedom is to deny the interconnectedness of life,
and no one alive wins by betting against life.

So freedom is not found on the outside, but on the inside. It is found
in total acceptance of the reality that freedom as popularly sought is
a lie. When liberation occurs from within, all need to innovate on
one's social condition with a view to escape ends.

This is what every serious inquiry into life since the dawn of man has revealed.

We are lucky to live in age of plenty, where many of us spend years
specializing in a profession. We should take the opportunity to learn
to specialize in life; it is more rewarding than any profession.

A selfish organism is the very definition of cancer.

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