On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 5:07 PM, Udhay Shankar N <ud...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On 12-Mar-14 2:19 PM, Pooja Sastry wrote:
>> Those on silk-list will know my father as Shiv, so Udhay has known me since
>> I was little and I am lucky enough to have met many of you. I have been
>> lurking on the list for two years, so I thought maybe I should finally
>> de-lurk and say hello.

Welcome Pooja. I too studied architecture -- but only for a while. I
learned the error of my ways and moved on to serfdom in the IT
industry. We have, therefore, nothing in common. :-) Welcome,

When I studied architecture I was in the camp that considered
architecture an engineering problem that included aesthetics as one of
the requirements to be fulfilled. I annoyed (and was annoyed by) the
crowd for whom it was Art (with a capital A).

Where do you place yourself?

> There's at least one more parent-child pair on silk - I'll let them
> speak for themselves.

Cousin, you're even more annoying than usual when you allude to this
mysterious membership list that only you can see. Almost as annoying
as when you shamelessly name drop. [1] ;-)

-- b

[1] The primary annoyance is that when *I* want to name drop, I'm
reduced to saying, "I don't actually know so-and-so but I know Udhay,
who does."

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