Where is all this happening,by the way? If this is all in India, I think
you are over-engineering this by entering into a specific agreement (unless
the employment contract specifically lays down a procedure for such
consent, or unless there is a real and practical risk of litigation related
to ownership some time down the line). The cleanest way to handle this is
for the employee to send a mail to a senior person in management, and
include the following: (a) My free time, and own resources (b) Not related
to my work/ job role (c) Will not use confidential / proprietary
information of my employer, nor will I need to use such information related
to the project in my day to day work. (d) No conflict of interest that I
can see/ am aware of.

The manager can approve participation in XYZ, subject to whatever he has
stated in the mail.

On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Biju Chacko <biju.cha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 1:20 PM, harry <listmans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Your colleague must have an employment contract which has a clause
> > indicating all work done for the organization is "work for hire etc" -
> and
> > that covers work done related to the office. If this states that the
> > company owns  rights to code written during work timings -and while
> > pursuing a task assigned by the company - then I think your friend has
> > nothing to worry about (assuming he is working on the open source project
> > in his own time). However, some contracts say this :  "organization owns
> > all rights to work produced during the period of employment" - that would
> > be a problem - and your friend would need to take it up with the company
> > since they could claim ownership on any open source work done on his own
> > time. I have seen some contracts which even claim ownership on prior work
> > done by an employee !
> The contract states that approval needs to be obtained on a case by
> case basis. The concern seems to be less about the IP issues and more
> about potential conflict of interest and misuse of company time and
> resources.
> -- b

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