On Mon, 2014-06-30 at 09:18 +0530, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 9:05 AM, SS <cybers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Science decreased death rates and increased life-spans, causing a
> > population explosion like never before. The same science responded to
> > that by decreasing birth rate.
> The above means what, exactly? How did "science" decrease birth rate?

I will postpone my answer to the above question because it comes lower
down in the hierarchy than a far more fundamental question you have
asked below

> > How astoundingly stupid. Will not be surprised at all to see religion
> > come increasingly into conflict with science. Scientists have lost the
> > plot.
> And what plot would this be?

When I approach the question from a slightly different angle I could
almost agree with you and state that scientists have no plot, and
therefore they could not have lost the plot.

However I don't believe this to be the case.

Scientists and therefore science are primarily engaged in
1. Making people fatter
2. Making people richer
3. Making people happier
4. Making people live longer

Other seemingly unrelated scientific activity can almost invariably be
deduced to be related to one of the above goals. For example scientists
involved in environment or climate studies are merely fulfilling one of
four basic goals of science. In fact all money that is poured into
science ultimately revolves around these goals

A brief consideration of the above goals reveals that they all have
limits and once those limits are reached there is nowhere to go other
than to search for more people to co-opt into those goals. 


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