On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 2:39 PM, SS <cybers...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 2014-06-30 at 09:18 +0530, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
> > On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 9:05 AM, SS <cybers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Science decreased death rates and increased life-spans, causing a
> > > population explosion like never before. The same science responded to
> > > that by decreasing birth rate.
> >
> > The above means what, exactly? How did "science" decrease birth rate?
> I will postpone my answer to the above question because it comes lower
> down in the hierarchy than a far more fundamental question you have
> asked below
> > > How astoundingly stupid. Will not be surprised at all to see religion
> > > come increasingly into conflict with science. Scientists have lost the
> > > plot.
> >
> > And what plot would this be?
> When I approach the question from a slightly different angle I could
> almost agree with you and state that scientists have no plot, and
> therefore they could not have lost the plot.
> However I don't believe this to be the case.
> Scientists and therefore science are primarily engaged in
> 1. Making people fatter
> 2. Making people richer
> 3. Making people happier
> 4. Making people live longer
> Other seemingly unrelated scientific activity can almost invariably be
> deduced to be related to one of the above goals. For example scientists
> involved in environment or climate studies are merely fulfilling one of
> four basic goals of science. In fact all money that is poured into
> science ultimately revolves around these goals
> A brief consideration of the above goals reveals that they all have
> limits and once those limits are reached there is nowhere to go other
> than to search for more people to co-opt into those goals.
> shiv
Apologies Shiv, I seem to have missed a bit of the thread earlier and
didn't realize that my "they" is you.

I'm a scientist, but I don't think most what I do has any direct impact on
people at all. My work (understanding how evolution works, in a nutshell)
makes some people happy and some angry, but mostly people don't care. The
state of the human body or mind is certainly not a goal that drives my
work, at any rate.

I'm still unsure what agenda or plot am I following (or losing), apart from
trying to understand what I find curious.

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