Surely one of these places can be called The Island of the Day Before?

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Dave Long <> wrote:

> I once lived in a town where referring to landmarks by what had been there
> before was a matter of "ancient" usage and custom.
> Unfortunately, the modern property lines had only begun to be established
> in the late XVIII, so everyone quickly realizes that anyone (even an
> anonymous peasant girl?) with half a brain could consult the original land
> grants and have an unbeatable appellation ("good old 'rock', nothing beats
> that!").  The sporting thing, then, consists in attempting to gauge how
> long your interlocutor's people have been around, and then using the name
> from just before the one they would have used themselves ... go too far
> back, and you should consider yourself beaten.
> Now I live someplace where this game is played by designating regions by
> their names from a few thousand years ago; the scope is grander but the
> tactics remain the same.
> -Dave
> stat via pristina silex, ultra nomina nuda tenemus

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