On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Suresh Ramasubramanian
<sur...@hserus.net> wrote:
> Buss is canonical - and a lot of the other translations redact large parts of 
> the novel, either for convenience to chop out side stories, or due to 
> victorian prudery

I find such "snipping" of content from the original quite irritating.
The English translation of Murakami's Wind-up Bird Chronicle is by Jay
Rubin. To my surprise I discovered later that entire chapters in the
Japanese original do not appear in Rubin's work! I'm guessing this
translation is "blessed" by Murakami, which makes the situation all
the more puzzling.

> to make it family friendly (Eugenie Danglars = hinted at as being a lesbian) 
> etc.

Not just hinting, it was pretty obvious in the version I read :-)


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