My first thought upon reading this was... is this mail a couple of days late?

Welcome, Cindy! Looking forward to your contributions to the list. 

Warm regards


-----Original Message-----
From: silklist 
[] On Behalf 
Of Cindy Gallop
Sent: 03 April 2017 20:40
Subject: [silk] Introducing myself

Dear Silklisters -

I'm honored and delighted that Udhay kindly invited me to join you.

If I may introduce myself - I'm Cindy Gallop, founder and CEO of social sex 
videosharing sextech startup MakeLoveNotPorn, which began as a little public 
service site I launched at TED 2009 with this talk:

and which received a huge global response that drove me to turn it into a 
business designed to both make money and do good:

We're building a new category online - social sex - in order to make it easier 
for the world to talk about sex. Because operating a startup in this area is 
extremely challenging:

I have been defining, pioneering and championing my own category, sextech, in 
order to open up the tech and business world's minds to what has the potential 
to be the next trillion dollar sector:

and am raising the world's first and only sextech fund, AllTheSky Holdings:

I had the enormous pleasure of meeting Udhay in Bangalore last week - MLNP gets 
a lot of traffic and emails from India, especially Indian millennials, and I am 
actively seeking investors to launch MakeLoveNotPorn India in order to help 
promote and educate on good sexual values and good sexual behavior - as 
FactorDaily outlines here:


I'm very much looking forward to the discourse here on SilkList.

And I thought I'd entertain you by including a link to of one of my most 
favorite Indian experiences - learning the Lungi Dance from the master 
himself.... ☺

I love India and hope very much to have business reasons to return soon.

Many thanks -

All the best,


Please help crowdfund my startup on iFundWomen:

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