On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 9:47 AM Dave Long <dave.l...@bluewin.ch> wrote:

> > These days I think [email] is mostly used by us old fogies.
> Fair enough, but what, pray tell, do all those non-old-fogies use to
> convey thoughts that are too long for social media comments and too short
> for blog posts?

Not being on most popular social media (Twitter, FB, etc.) I am not
qualified to answer this. But when have I let such trivialities get in the
way of offering my opinions? :-)

I posit that one way the youth of today are conveying their thoughts in
through non-textual means: Through Snapchat (i.e., marked up
photos/images), and through the sharing of meme images/animations. One
mixed (textual and non-textual) medium popular in many parts of the world
(and with many parallels to emails/mailing lists) seems to be WhatsApp and
similar messaging apps.

Homer: Hey, what does this job pay?
Carl:  Nuthin'.
Homer: D'oh!
Carl:  Unless you're crooked.
Homer: Woo-hoo!

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