At 11:52 AM 6/26/97 -0400, you wrote:
>To anyone,
>  When I make my CS it comes out a golden color after a couple of hours of
>sitting.  After about 4-5 days it them starts to turn black.  Does anyone
>know why this is happening?
>  Also I may have missed this conversation before but actually what are the
>chances of the skin turning gray from prolonged use of the CS.  I currently
>take about 8 tablespoons a day of approx. 8ppm. for treatment of lyme.  I
>would like to increase but want to make sure this does not increase the
>chances of the skin turning color.

The golden color is the proper and desirable state for the CS,  turning
black ;is due
to photo sensitivity, it forms Silver Oxide.  This is undesirable but
relative harmless and
non toxic per the standard medical references.  Just keep in the dark.  You
have a particularly strong florescncet (sp) light.  It is possible to turn
CS completely black
just by using a very strong incondescent lamp right against the bottle.

It is not possible, in my experience and my research of the literature, to
get arygeria from
CS ;made electrically.  Apparently, in the old days of manuf. by grinding
or by salts 
conversion, large particle silver was consumed over long periods of time
and in high
consentrations and did produce a graying.  Since me and my wife and several
researchers that I know consume large glasses full of 10-20 ppm CS daily
for long
periods of time with no ill effects, not even intestinal flora/fauna
killoff, there doesnt 
seem to be any problem if you are healthy, On the other hand, if there is a
and there is a Herk reaction of some type, then the CS is doing some good.
Interestingly enuf, the silver solution can be turned back to a clear state
from the golden
state by bubbling ozone thru it and the PPM stays about the same.  At one
time when
I was doing some research I was able to change the CS solution from clear
to golden
to black and back to clear with light and ozone.  

Incidentially,  since there is many forms of H2O  you might try some of the
exotic forms, using centrifugially or magnetically exposed H2O, but dont
try the 
micro water (alkaline) for making silver, it does crasy things.  The (acid)
stuff is worse.
All this has to do with water cluster size, a very esoteric field.

warmly, Kel

Kelly Kelley        email: