RE:  silver not reaching lymph nodes

In John Hill's Literature Review of CS papers, the silver is collected by 
the reticuloendothelial system, the parts of the body where cells absorb 
pathogens.  Sorry I can't be more specific about the reference.   According 
to that belief, this brings the pathogens into contact with the silver. 
 The lymph nodes are a major part of that system.

James Osbourne, Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:   Monday, December 14, 1998 10:08 PM
Subject:        CS>Reinfection and the Thumper (pulser)

Think it might be worth considering the pulser as a serious adjunct to CS.
I suspect the reason besides having multiple strains of the lyme bug, why
CS does not always work is due to CS's inability to reach the lymph nodes
and cavity areas. So while you are dealing with pathogens in the
bloodstream and gut etc possible reinfection is occurring from places where
CS has not been able to go. The pulser in my opinion is a must for more
complete treatment. Everyone on the list should read Bob Becks material
just to understand these type of issues.

Chris Gupta.

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