  Just let me know when and where.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert L. Wells <>
To: silver silver <>
Date: Monday, September 14, 1998 3:54 PM
Subject: Donna Earnest - MCT Fund

>Hi Donna,
>Your pledge was for the MCT Fund (microbial challenge test).
>Unfortunately, I got swamped, didn't get useful information and never
>got back to the group with an update.  No one has sent any money yet,
>and, as I promised, shouldn't until we get specific agreement on how the
>money will be used.  I don't want to stir up a hornets nest, as there
>was some debate over raising money and how it should be used.  I still
>hope to put together a valid testing of home brewed CS.  I take
>responsibility for not making progress on this to date, and I
>apologize.  I take it from your message below that your pledge remains
>in place.  Again I pledge that we will take no money from everyone until
>we have a consensus on the testing and its cost.
>Bob Wells
>Donna Earnest wrote:
>I have a friend who has lyme very bad along with her kids.  I have been
>trying to get her to use the CS for some time now.  She finally called
>and asked where she could find info on the CS.  I have told her how to
>subscribe to the list but does anyone have the url's for any good
>sights.  Nancy if you read this can you give me yours, I can't seem to
>find it.
>Also, I think I owe someone $10.00 that I pledged before and have not
>sent it out.  Please let me know whose list I was on for the donation.
>Sorry about the absentmindedness.
>Donna Earnest

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