Hi wonderful alchemists of CS,
 Just a few words on store bought distilled water. A lot of us make our
own distilled water so we  know what we have. With store bought its
another story.Lets face it, some is better than others.
 First of all how do large (high volume) makers do it. Were talking
thousands of gallons a day. They begin by filtering it, usually with
micro filters(that makes it pretty clean). Then it is steam distilled
(sterilizes it and removes any remaining impurities).Some companys then
ozonate it to give it a neutral Ph,and then some of them will expose it
to UV light while it is being bottled to prevent bacterial contamination
 Your best buy will be the label that says: Steam distilled, micro
filtered, ozonated,UV light. Next best will be: Steam distilled,
microfiltered, ozonated. Don`t buy anything that says ONLY: steam
distilled, ozonated.
  Prices vary from 50 cents at Wal-Mart,for the good stuff, to a $1.50 a
gallon for some brands. Go by the label not the price. Used the 50 cent
stuff for a long time before buying my own distiller. 
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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