At 07:53 AM 8-2-98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi All,
> Have any of you had any sensation/dull ache (for lack of
> better word) in your thyroid region upon taking your CS? 
> This happens to me every morning a short while after I 
> drink some. Deb

Years ago I read that the thyroid can become colonized by 
certain types of fungus -- something doctors never test for.  
A Medline search should turn up some references:

Perhaps you could try a higher and more frequent use of CS.
 And/or try hot castor oil packs on the throat ?
  Try mixing GSE (or herbal extracts) into the castor oil ?
   Or try CS applied to the skin over the thyroid ?

This is not a 'prescription', of course, but it may be
a useful 'test'.


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