>At the start of this, my main thoughts were with the particulate size and
>effectiveness, is the size a factor in how well it works. Are we back to having
>no real way to discern this measuring process now? or is there still some way
>this will be able to be tested. Someone with lots of time would be needed for
>the subsequent tests on down from that level.We "know"<G> it works, but the
>retailers of CS are telling multiple versions of why THEIR'S works best. We
>need to be able to tell ourselves and newcomers needing help the answer to
>this. Maybe we could turn some mice blue in the meantime:).  Deb   

   Good idea, hey I have an old wild cat that keeps comming around. 
Humm I could be the only person on the block with a BLUE cat... :] 

   For those that are animal rights activists I'M ONLY KIDDING!!! 

Take Care 


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