> From:          "Marsha Hallett" <liah...@pacbell.net>
> To:            <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject:       Re: Money...
> Date:          Thu, 30 Jul 1998 22:24:39 -0700
> Reply-to:      silver-list@eskimo.com

> Jim Einert
> P.O. Box 10
> Ozone, AR 72854
> Dear Jim,
> Whoa! I lived in Arkansas, too!! We were in Russellville for 3 years, that
> is where I got my lovely case of Lyme disease, and faced off with the
> dumbdoc!!
> Small world...
> Let`s see, I`ve been in: CA, ID, WA, WI, AR, VA, MD, LA, CO, AZ, UT, and OH.
> Now comes IL.
> This`ll be our 27th move in 25 years.
> I`m tired...
> Marsha
Hey Marsha,
        Ozone is north of Clarksville, which is 25 miles west of 
Russellville. Small world huh??? Where in Arkansas are you living 
now? (until you move again!)
        Take Care!

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