Bruce wrote:

> A thought on filtering these charged silver particles; will charged
> ions of silver tend to be attracted to the filter matrix, even when
> small enough to pass otherwise, because of their charge? 
> A suggested experiment:
> Take your average batch of CS just after production, test it with a
> TDS1 or similar, then run it through the filter you're now using
> (coffee filters for most of us) and then retest with the TDS1... 
> Is there a drop in the reading? If so, is this drop really
> reflecting a filtering out of coarse particles, or is it caused by
> charged particles being attracted to the filter media, and being
> held there?

Try filtering the same batch again in a new filter? See if the ppm 
reading drops again by a similar or somewhat smaller amount. Other 
than filter inefficiency, there shouldn't be much to remove on the 
second pass. 

Also, try two different volumes to test, different by a factor of
two. If it's an effect of the filter surface area adsorbing particles
the smaller sample will see a larger drop in ppm than the bigger
sample, since the rest of the CS in the bigger sample will go through
essentially unfiltered after the surface saturates. (If that's not
clear, don't worry. It's pretty murky to me too!) <grin>

I think these *might* be valid tests. Just guessing at this point.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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