Doug McMurtrie wrote:

> ... the TDS-1 would, I think, take care of the ppm part. 

Or it will, when we go ahead and do some cross-testing with the other 
lab methods.

> I have been wondering lately if there are any mechanical filters
> capable of operation at such small sizes. ... If a mechanical
> filter were available with an absolute filtering ability of say .02
> microns ... With a batch that was filtered and then ppm tested we
> could have a pretty good idea of just what we had without expensive
> and time consuming lab tests. 

I just checked in my trusty Fisher Scientific catalog, and there are
lots of different filters in the range of 0.2 microns and above, and
many down to 0.1 microns. I did find one interesting entry, Alumina 
matrix filter membranes from Whatman, in 0.2 micron, 0.1 micron, and 
0.02 micron!! Not cheap, but would give you a decent idea of what 
concentration of bioactive particles you have. 

So careful filtration/separation techniques could be used.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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