Following is a synopsis of personnel research done by one of our staff
members.  The following information is from "hobby type" research, to the
extent that stringent background controls, class 1 pollution controls, and
foreign-particle counts were not employed to establish genuine research
quality environmental controls.
   Our hope is that some part of this information may be of use to the list
   This particular research was prompted by the inexact,
difficult-to-repeat results gained while using voltage-dependent X time
estimates for generating specific ppm concentrations of "home-generated"
colloidal silver.
   After some extended evaluation and experimentation, it was determined
that a more reliable and accurate method for "home experimenters" might be
based upon current-flow intensity monitoring.
   Starting with 12 ozs. of 1 ppm distilled water heated to boiling, a 30
vdc power source, 14 gauge silver electrodes 1 1/8" apart, and 4" of the
electrode lengths submerged in the water:
   1.  Connect a milliamp meter (preferably a digital type) in series
between the power supply and either of the electrodes.
   2.  Energize the CS generation system and monitor the current flow.
   3.  When current flow reaches 4 milliamps, stir
the solution, taking care NOT to touch either of the electrodes, then
switch (reverse) power connections to the electrodes.
   4.  When the current flow reaches 6 milliamps, repeat step #3.
   5.  When the current reaches 8.75 milliamps, repeat step #3, then
observe current flow indication.  Current flow should be 8 milliamps, or
above.  If so---stop generating---process should now be complete for
nominal 7-9 ppm solution (indicated on a TDS-1 meter).
   6.  If current flow is below 8 milliamps, repeat step #5.
        Note:  This researcher reports that ppm results remained constant for
power supplies experiencing dropping voltages down to 18 vdc.

   *  Interesting Alternative:  By adding one "small" drop (using a
toothpick as a dip) add one drop of unprocessed honey to the solution,
after heating---stir well.  The entire generation process will be greatly
accelerated (Approximately 4X).  No reactive or unstable compounds have
been detected by lab analyses designed to isolate such elements.  This is
NOT a recommendation for others to follow---just an option for
experimenters.  The tiny quantity of simple sugar compounds and enzyme
products in the honey seem to furnish an excellent non-toxic accelerant. 
    If the experimenter wishes to insure the enzymes in the honey are not
inactivated, do not heat water beyond 130 degrees F.
    If the experimenter chooses to employ this alternative, delay Step #3
procedure until the current flow reaches 6 milliamps.
     Original credit for the honey suggestion goes to Merlin Wolf
   NOTE:  We employed the use of two separate TDS-1 instruments in our
tests (24 tests total), with no detectable variation in indications between
#1 and #2 instruments.
    My sincere apologies to all those emails I have been unablee to answer.
 However, as we are operating under an intense, time driven, research load,
casual time, at present. seems unavailable.  I will, in time, answer
everyone. Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.

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